Besides their films, TV shows, Instagrams, and pissing in the street, celebrity dogs are also known for their crazy diet and fitness plans! While some pooches prefer to have a balanced healthy lifestyle, other pups like to live it up while they’re not not in front of the camera, then crash diet to keep in shape when the director calls action. Here are some of the best tips from your star spaniels to help you lose weight faster than you can run after a ball!
No one likes to hear it, but classic old fashioned exercise helps shed weight! Get your owner to throw your ball. Larry the Dog says he’ll fetch the ball 300 times a day, “Most owners don’t feel like throwing the ball after like 5 times, I always push the ball in their lap and start barking until they throw it.”
2. Cut The Snacks
Sure, all dog owner may drop a few Cheetos on the ground. But instead of running over to eat it up, skip the quick treat and instead chew on a pillow. Toast Meets World recommends chewing a pillow, “It’s is a no calorie option that simulates eating. Just don’t get caught doing it!”
3. Work Up a Sweat!
Photo Courtesy of Lulu Hoeller via Flickr
It’s a myth that dogs can’t sweat! So get melt off the pounds by getting some heat going. MenswearDog recommends putting on a winter coat even if it’s hot out, and running around, “You’ll sweat the pounds right off through your paw pads and nose, and you’ll look good doing it.”
4. Master Cleanse
Photo Courtesy of AJ via Flick
Fill up your bowl with 10 oz of water, a tablespoon of maple syrup, and just a dash of cayenne pepper. NYC pup, Hamilton Pug says “Long walks can get exhausting while on the master clean, but you’ll definitely notice your collar fitting a little looser.”
5. Put a Muzzle On It
Photo Courtesy of Maja Dumat via Flickr
Can’t stop snacking? You’re not the only one. Whether it’s a rawhide around the house, or some fries spilled on the street, it’s easy to cheat on a diet. That’s why Lentil recommends biting someone, “Your owner will put a muzzle on you so quick you wont have the chance to snack any more. Make sure not to bite a kid or an elderly person, or you might end up getting put down.”
6. Skip Your Heartworm Meds
No one’s gonna tell you to ingest a tapeworm. But, if you were to get tape worms, they’re known to cause weight loss. Maymo the Lemon Beagle says “I once got a tapeworm right before a shoot and I lost 5 pounds. I felt terrible but first day on set, everyone said I looked great, and on the camera, it really shows.”
7. Beauty is on The Inside
Photo Courtesy of Doc Searls via Flickr
Tuna knows that beauty is on the inside. So don’t be afraid to consult a plastic surgeon who specializes in liposuction to help get some of that beauty on the outside too.
What are your best diet tricks for dogs?
Let us know in the comments, we promise not to tell your vet!